Frequently Asked Questions

 it MATTERS 2-color

Frequently Asked Questions


Vision and Goals

  • What is the goal of the instructional technology plan?
  • What are the district's guiding principles in making instructional technology available to every student?
  • The district says it wants all students to become "21st-century learners." What does that mean?
  • Why is this technology plan important?
  • Will students use the Chromebook in every course?

Technology Information

  • Why was the Chromebook chosen for this program?
  • What is cloud computing?
  • What is Google Applications for Education?
  • Will there be a way for students to print from the Chromebooks?
  • How will students manage and save work?

Keeping Students Safe

  • How is the district safeguarding students while they use this technology? 
  • What is the district doing to safeguard my student privacy?
  • How will Internet access be filtered on the Chromebook?

Student Use

  • What are our expectations for student use of the Chromebooks?
  • How will students identify their Chromebook?
  • How do students ensure the battery life will last throughout the entire school day?
  • How will issues of inappropriate usage or intentional vandalism be handled?
  • Who owns the Chromebook?

Chromebook Access

  • Will the students take the Chromebooks home?
  • What are the benefits of students bringing the device home? 
  • Will students get to keep their Chromebook over the summer?
  • Will students keep the devices during school breaks?
  • When does the student return the Chromebook?
  • Can students bring their own device to school?
  • If a student forgets the Chromebook at school, can homework still be completed?

Cost to Families

  • What is the cost to families for the Chromebook?
  • Are there accessories families should purchase for the Chromebook?
  • What happens if a Chromebook gets damaged, destroyed or stolen?
  • Is the district offering a protection plan for Chromebooks?

Internet Use

  • Is the district providing an Internet carrier for home use?
  • Will students be able to use the Internet service at home with the school's device?
  • Is Internet access required at home for the Chromebook program?
  • How will Internet access be filtered on the Chromebook?

Special Accommodations

  • What if my student has special needs? How do I ensure accommodations for their unique needs?