Vision and Goals

Vision and Goals  

Q: What is the goal of the instructional technology plan?

A:  As part of the Smart Schools Bond Fund, the district developed a three year instructional technology plan that addresses curriculum, professional development and infrastructure needs for the school district.  The plan includes an initiative to provide students in grades 3 through 12 an electronic device to use, in and out of school, to support teaching and learning.  Grades PK-2 students will have access to iPads or other devices and the plan will be implemented over the next three years.  In year one, students in grades 9-12 will receive Cromebooks.  In year two, students in grades 5-8 will receive Chromebooks and students in grade 2 will have access to iPads or other devices in their classrooms.  In year three, students in grade 3-5 will receive Chromebooks and students in grades PK, K and 1 will have access to devices in their classrooms.

The tools and instructional methodologies that will be used in the next five years will transform teaching that will empower students as learners, lead to high student engagement, and enable personalized learning. Technology will become a universal tool that is used by everyone in the classroom. Teachers and students will have access to the tools from anywhere, at any time via cloud computing through the Google Apps for Education platform.

Q: What are the district's guiding principles in making instructional technology available to every student?

A:  Students are digital natives who are accustomed to society’s technology driven culture, our classrooms need to reflect this to increase student engagement in their learning.
  • Every student K-12 should have equal access to the development of skills and knowledge of technology, as well as access to technology devices and the Internet.
  • Students need to access information independently, and create more authentic representations of their learning.
  • Differentiation of materials and assignments by teachers for students' individual learning speeds and styles can be accomplished much more readily using technology, allowing each student to learn at a pace and in a style that best suits him or her.
  • Technology can provide more timely and specific feedback, improving the interaction between the teacher and student.
  • Technology is an integral part of learning, not supplemental, which is defined by the district curriculum.
  • Ongoing professional development is required to train teachers on current instructional technology practices to promote student enabled learning.
  • Technology is a tool that will assist students as learners throughout their lives.

B)  Technology is not a replacement for the teacher.  It is a tool that can enhance and augment teaching and learning in the classroom and beyond the school day.  Students and teachers are not expected to use the technologies available to them 100% throughout the day.  The district encourages teachers to use technology as necessary

Q: The district says it wants all students to become "21st-century learners." What does that mean?

A: That terms means that our students should be able to:
  • Use real-world digital and other research tools to access, evaluate, and effectively.
  • Apply information appropriate for authentic tasks.
  • Work independently and collaboratively to solve problems and accomplish goals.
  • Communicate information clearly and effectively using a variety of tools and media in different contexts.
  • Value and demonstrate personal responsibility, character, cultural understanding, and ethical behavior.

Through the use of technology tools and a defined curriculum, all students will develop 21st-century skills and information literacy acquisition through experiences within the student-empowered learning environment. The 21st-century skills and information literacy in the curriculum will include:

  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Research and Information Retrieval
  • Digital Literacy and Citizenship
Q: Why is this technology plan important?

A:  This is about putting the world in students’ hands. It’s a learning initiative aimed at providing all students with personalized learning experiences that stimulate creativity as well as maximize learning opportunities. We want students to experience, connect and interact with the world in ways that traditional textbooks and curriculum alone can't provide. Technology should be a daily tool for students (as it is in most fields) and not an "event" like going to the computer lab or rolling a cart into the classroom.

Q: Will students use the Chromebook in every course?

A:  The Chromebook will be the student's tool to use at school. We expect its use will vary based on subject area. Our expectation is that the Chromebook will be utilized across all disciplines in a manner that is appropriate to the instructor's teaching style and skill level.