Buildings and Grounds

Required Notifications

The East Rochester Union Free School District has implemented an integrated pest management (IPM) program including good housekeeping and sanitation, repair, maintenance, weed control and monitoring. The District uses pesticides only as a last resort when other nontoxic methods of necessary pest control have proven unsuccessful. Even then, the District uses only the least toxic pesticide specific to the pest to be controlled. Only New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) certified pesticide applicators can apply pesticides in school buildings and on school grounds.

As required by state law, the East Rochester School District maintains a list of those who wish to receive 48-hour written notification of certain pesticide applications at the schools. If you are on the list, you must notify the District each year if you wish to continue to be notified. Notification is not required if a school remains unoccupied for a continuous 72-hour period after an application. Also, there are several pesticide applications which aren’t subject to prior notification. If an emergency application is necessary to protect against an imminent threat to human life, a good faith effort will be made to provide written notification to those on the 48-hour prior notification list. If you would like to receive 48-hour prior notification of pesticide applications that are scheduled to occur in your school, please contact the East Rochester Union Free School District pesticide representative at 248-6310 or at [email protected]


Product    Amount      Date          Location                                         Target Pest

Advion     30 gm        4/30          Kitchen, 103, 108B                          Ants

Contrac    8 oz           5/29          Dumpster                                       Rodent

Advion     10 gm        5/29          Kitchen                                          Ants

Termidor   0.25 gal     6/24          Exterior Wall                                  Yellowjacket

The East Rochester Union Free School District, in compliance with Federal law AHERA, has inspected and developed a management plan for its buildings with building materials containing asbestos. The required three-year re-inspection was completed on January 14th, 2022; the required six-month re-inspection was conducted on January 8th, 2024. The inspection reports are available for review at the District Office.